Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Training Weekend

Thursday was the first day of training. I got to meet all of the Life Skills Educators. They are a great group of people and all seem to get along really well. There are about 23 of them from all the different communities (Oceanview which includes Mountainview, Masi, Muizenberg, Red Hill, and Capricorn; in some communities there is more then 1 club as well). Basically how it works is the LSE work in the community they grew up in. In the morning/early afternoon they go into the various school in their community and talk about Life Skills such as hygiene from a Biblical perspective (some of the schools don’t allow them to talk about God but most of them do). After school they have Kids Club (which is what I am part of). They feed the kids and a different age group each day does some kind of craft and hears a Biblical story (it’s a lot like Sunday school), as well as just hanging out and playing in a safe environment. I have a huge respect for the LSE as they have all overcome huge odds to reach where they are. They have all had experiences that I can’t even imagine but have used them to strengthen their relationships with God and have a great sense of humour about life.
In training we had a lot of fun together and they totally remind me of work back home. They all have so much energy and pretty much goof off all the was pretty much like one of the inservices at the pool. The training was lead by the Children’s Ministry Administrator from the team of volunteers that were coming later this week. He and a group of other kids ministers had come up with a curriculum for kids camps. He taught us the program which includes about 5 of the most ridiculous and hilarious kids camp songs (with actions) I have ever seen. I will be getting a video of those songs for sure! The curriculum is based on 5 Biblical Principles that cover some of the basics of what it means to be Christian, plus a lot of activities that are related to those principles.
The second day of training was just as fun as the first, especially since we got to learn more songs. I’m not quite so sure I want to get videos now because to have everyone back home know that I did the moves to these songs too is pretty embarrassing… J Training ends at about 4 p.m. and I was just able to rest and enjoy the beach after training was over.
Saturday the Brentwood Team joined us so we could meet them, quickly go over some of the lessons each day, and go over all the songs and actions that go with them again (YAY…no I’m kidding they are actually a lot of fun). I still am not quite used to the roads here though because on the break one of the LSE Chris and I went across the street to McDonalds (I wanted to see what they are like here) and I just about got hit by a car since I was looking the wrong way and cars here really don’t really stop for pedestrians. Chris grabbed my sleeve and pulled me back…and then proceeded to laugh at me…oops J. After the break we went into the planning phase and I will be in the group that is in charge of recreation (YESSSSSSSSS!!!). The LSE taught us some of the circle games they play at the beginning of each day until all the kids arrive. The videos I have are a few of the games they play…SO MUCH FUN!!!
After training was over some of the OV (Oceanview) girls (Jessica, Meagan, and Melissa) invited me to go shopping with them. It was a lot of fun and I was able to get to know them a lot more. We got a few looks in the mall though because they are all from the coloured communities and I am white (obviously) and I guess generally speaking South African whites don’t really hang out with people from the coloured communities (which I think is silly since they are pretty cool people).
Ryan and Danielle have spent a lot of time with the Brentwood team since they are from Danielle’s Church and Ryan had some relatives in this team. Since Ryan and Danielle weren’t really around over the past few days there was a lot of leftover food so I invited them over to eat after we left the mall. We stopped by Melissa’s house to pick up some things (she and the other OV LSE actually live in OV) and it was really nice. Everything is so bright and colourful inside and out. We also picked up Meagan’s friend Annie. It is like that in most of the places in OV actually (although I don’t think most of the places are quite as nice as Melissa’s). Meagan said that for the most part they are pretty safe and she walks home alone at night sometimes (don’t worry I won’t be trying this). Crime does occur, but it doesn’t sound like it happens any more than it does at home. And since most of the people in the communities know each other it is kind of pointless to steal something cuz they will just come ask for it back.
One thing I have really gained an appreciation for is my education. Over the day I was asked a lot of questions that Meagan, Melissa, and Annie about myself as well as scientific questions (they knew my background by now). They all have a desire to learn but really don’t have access to post-secondary education. It’s not really fair actually. I am really going to try not to take my education for granted again.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Jess... wow! Great blog! Hope you're having an amazing time.. it sounds like you are ! And it also sounds like you're doing great things over there for those who really need it... very awesome! Are you going to be doing any medicine type things over there or is it strictly getting to know and help out the youth? Keep writing, because I'll keep reading.

Lesley (from the pool :) )