Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today I got my Beetle. This was actually one of the biggest obstacles in my staying longer (if I wasn't staying with ACTS then I would need to get myself to and from work somehow) so now that I have it I am really excited! I phoned to confirm in the morning and told them that I MUST be back at Noordhoek by 2 p.m. at the latest (for Kids Club). The lady assured me that I would be back by then as the driver was to collect me at 10 a.m. So I waited. 10…1030…1045…finally he came. He was a really nice, friendly guy and we chatted most of the way. I wasn’t exactly sure how far away the car place was until I mentioned again that I had to be back by 2. He was like…you mean back at Noordhoek…I said well technically back at Ocean View. Ya, after that we didn’t talk a whole lot since he was driving quite quickly…to be perfectly honest it was actually like I was riding third in the Ambulance with lights and sirens…except there was no lights and sirens…nor were people really getting out of the way (although people don’t really get out of the way for the Ambulance either :P). Anyways, we made it and Best Beetle was absolutely amazing with getting me processed ASAP. I was told I could pick my Beetle (there were so many there that were AWESOME and I was really excited). The guy took me outside and said “Well would you like the green one or the white one?” “The green one :( (no cool paint job for me)” It is a pretty cool car though and has a lot of character. It has been in the African Beetle Rally before and has the HUGEST rack on top I have ever seen. The roof rack is actually the most solid thing on the car! The car itself has been very well…loved lets just say. It’s name is Chug-a-bug and it really does have a lot of character. I bet each scratch and each bump and each rust patch (and there are quite a few) has a story to tell.
After we got all the paperwork done the Beetle Man (I forget his name so I shall call him Bug) drove me to the petrol station (yes they call it a petrol station…gas here is also known as a cool drink which is basically a carbonated beverage). The attendant filled the car up (you DO NOT pump your own petrol here) and Bug handed me the keys. I was SOOOOO nervous. I explained to him that I had not driven stick in many years and that I am used to driving on the opposite side of the road. Bug said “Oh well then you’re better off than most of out clients…they haven’t EVER driven stick.” So off we went.
Did I mention yet that we had to scream at each other when we spoke? This car has quite a bit to say and it does so quite loudly :P Ii has a radio but I think that if we turned it on that you would not be able to hear anything over the engine anyways so the radio is pretty useless. It didn’t take me very long to get the feel of the car and so long as I remember that the driver stays close to the middle of the road (like it is everywhere in the world) then I will be fine. There really was nothing to be nervous about. So back we went to Best Beetle for the car inspection in case I brought it back with more damage (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…not possible!) and off I went back to Noordhoek and Ocean View.
I phoned Meagan as soon as I left (it was now 1 p.m.) to tell her I may be a bit late. She said not to worry, as the drive was about 45 mins. So off I went down the highway. OH MY LORD I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO SCARED IN A CAR! It is really windy here and Beetles are quite small so I was getting blown all over the road. Ryan warned me that the drive home would be the hardest thing and he WAS NOT kidding! In the contract I signed I was not allowed to drive faster than 95kph and I see why. Not only would the engine probably fall out, but the entire car would probably be picked up off the road and thrown to who knows where!!! Just so you know though this car is only being used around Fish Hoek/Noord Hoek/Sun Valley which is city driving. I am NOT taking that car on the highway again EVER. Best Beetle asked if I wanted them to come pick the car up when I was finished and I said YES!
I pulled into OV at about 2:15 p.m. (Meagan had already called to make sure I was still alive) and we packed up the car with all the Kids Club stuff. Chris and Melissa came along so I could drop them off at the Multi (where their Club is). Driving around OV is quite an experience in itself. Meagan, Melissa, and Chris laughed at me as I attempted to drive around the kids, cars, dogs, and people who really don’t get out of the way until you are almost on top of them. That will take some getting used to as well. It is safe though as I am exaggerating SLIGHTLY, but I am really glad to have my own car and it is quite safe in OV. I think a HUGE part of the reason I had problems the first day is that the people weren’t moving because they were staring at my car in disbelief that it could actually drive still. To be perfectly honest I don’t really blame them! I will be putting pics up as soon as I can!

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