Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week 9 (Nov 17 – 23)

Now that I am finished my first aid training for the LSE I am just putting some finishing touches on the policies and procedures. In order to do this I had to send a lot of emails to the Living Hope “high-ups” so they could make decisions on what they want done (for example, if a child is hurt and is on route to hospital who needs to be called and what is the policy on debriefing staff involved, etc). This is the stuff I don’t necessarily really enjoy doing but it still needs to be done!
Things are going really well in Kids Club. Meagan came up with the idea that we should give each child their own workbook for the lessons we do with them. Now that I have my own car we can just store the books in the truck (which is actually in the front of the car…gotta love the Beetle!). So we made a cover sheet for all the books that the kids colored in and pasted onto their books. There is a team coming in soon (the week of Dec 1 – 5 that is hosting a Christmas party for all kids clubs at each location (OV, Masi, Red Hill, Capricorn). The OV part is on Dec 3rd I believe. Each club within OV has to come up with something to perform for the other clubs (song or dance or skit). I think we are planning on doing a skit so for the next couple of weeks we are just writing the skit and practicing. I will try to tape it when we do it so you can all see it when I get back. I will give you more details about the skit as we make it.
This was a good week for me to get my own car. Nathan managed to get all of the OV LSE (and I) a free trial at the Fish Hoek gym with a personal trainer. So off we went Thursday. The gym is pretty nice and the trainer did a few short sessions with us including a core training session…man were my abs burning! After the workout Meagan’s family invited me over for dinner. Thursday is also the Youth night so after dinner I went with Meagan to Youth. Meagan is the Youth Leader while Chris, Al, Melissa, and Diego (soccer player) are on the committee and rotate leading the Youth. It was Chris’ night to lead and he did a great job. I haven’t seen much of the youth since the Retreat so it was nice to see everyone again. I think I am going to come every week from now on since I have my own car. After Youth Meagan and I ended up going to Fish Hoek beach for coffee. We ended up staying out a bit late and had quite an adventure on the way home. I will tell you the whole story when I get back (or individually on msn if you want to know now) but I probably shouldn’t be putting it on my blog. Just know that it wasn't anything really bad and everything is fine and we have learned our lesson about my driving home at night!
A new volunteer from America came on Tuesday. Her name is Krystal and she is a married 28-year old heart ultrasound/X-ray technician. She is only here for 2 weeks so we decided to try and pack as much sight-seeing into this weekend as possible. Friday was a half-day only so after we were all off Danielle took Ryan, Al, Krystal, and I into Cape Town. There is a tourist attraction just outside of CT called Table Mountain. You can look it up online if you would like. Everyone except Krystal and I have been up it multiple times so they dropped us off at the entrance and went exploring the town for a few hours while Krystal and I went up the mountain. It’s kind of like the Grouse Grind where you can either hike up it or take a cable car. Since it was scorching hot and we had a time limit we took the car up. The reason it is called Table Mountain is because at the top it is flat like a Table. This mountain overlooks ALL of Cape Town and the Peninsula and the surrounding areas. The view is breath taking. I will try to put up pics when I can but we are not allowed to up/download at the Teamhouse so it will have to wait til I have time to get to an internet café.
Saturday the OV girls came to the Teamhouse. We are starting to plan things for the Christmas break. They have a mandatory 3 weeks off around Christmas so that gives us plenty of time to get into trouble :P. We decided that watching a horror movie in a big dark empty (the other volunteers went to the waterfront) house on a fairly deserted beach road right by the ocean was a brilliant idea so we ended up watching Boogey Man 2. Horror movies don’t seem to bother Meagan too much but Melissa and I were pretty freaked out…the fact that Meagan seemed to pre-empt a few of the most suspenseful moments by grabbing Melissa and I in an attempt to freak us out more didn’t really help.
Sunday Danielle took Al, Krystal, and I to Cape Point. This is the Southernmost tip of Africa. Again, I was able to take so many amazing pics that I will bring back, some of which have me in rock faces and on edges of cliffs where the others really weren’t too keen on joining me. Come on guys, trails are meant to be walked off! This place is also infamous for its baboons (which we saw…one was sitting on top of this guys car…sooooo funny) and zebra (which we didn’t see) as well as the Bonte Bok and Ostrich (we saw these as well). It was nice to be able to check a few more things off of the sight-seeing list, I have now seen all the major tourist attractions in Cape Town and most of the ones on the Peninsula in the Sun Valley area.

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